About the Company

The VTL Blansko, a.s. Company is a Czech company with majority foreign capital participation. It was founded in the Czech Republic in 2010, with its headquarters in Prague and its business premises in Blansko. VTL Blansko, a.s. has established itself as a manufacturer of heavy-duty vertical lathes including the provision of qualified and professional servicing. The Company employs highly qualified professionals with more than fifteen years of experience in this industry.

Currently, the Company comprises 16 permanent employees who constitute the core of the entire company. The backbone of the Company is the in-house Design Department, which is focusing on the development of a new series of heavy-duty vertical lathes. In addition to the development of a new series of these machines, the Design Department, under the management of our Service Department, is also actively involved in creating technical solutions for the already existing machines. One of the many benefits of custom design is the flexibility for dealing with service work for customers.

Requisite in the area of service activities is a speedy response to demands. This segment is the subject of operational solutions utilising our own product, i.e. SERVICE 24, which is a product focused on providing service to customers in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia within 24 hours of the reporting and the diagnosing of a fault. The goal is to offer customers the widest possible range of support by implementing the elimination of defects within the shortest possible time.



Contact us

VTL Blansko, a.s.

Blanenská 1321/47
664 34 Kuřim
Czech Republic

Tel: +420 734 315 101
Fax: +420 515 535 340
E-mail: info@vtlblansko.cz